Financial and business terms


Greenmail: translation

Situation in which a large block of stock is held by an unfriendly company, forcing the target company to repurchase the stock at a substantial premium to prevent a takeover.The New York Times Financial Glossary

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when a company buys back its stock from aSuitor(= a company that is trying to take it over), often for a very high price, to try to prevent atakeover:

• One of Japan's wealthiest men, he has a history of speculation in stocks and real estate and is renowned for his attempts at greenmail.

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Potential predators can buy shares in a company and threaten to take it over, or disrupt its management.The company can sometimes remove that threat by buying back the shares owned by the predators at a premium to market price, often in exchange for a commitment to limit their shareholdings in future.

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greenmailUKUS/ˈɡriːnmeɪl/noun[U]STOCK MARKET
the act of buying enough shares in a company to be able to control it, in order to force the owners of the company to buy back these shares at a very high price:»

The stockmarkets are not yet free of greenmail.

CompareBLACKMAIL(Cf. ↑blackmail)noun
greenmailUKUS/ˈɡriːnmeɪl/verb[T]STOCK MARKET
to buy enough shares in a company to be able to control it, in order to sell them again at a very high price:»

Did he want to greenmail the company into buying him out at a fat profit?

CompareBLACKMAIL(Cf. ↑blackmail)verb

  1. greenmailgreenmail bersetzung greenmail Aktienaufkauf m als bernamepression...Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch gesetz
  2. greenmailGreenmail translationA situation in which a large block of stock is held by an unfriendly company. This forces the target company to repurchase the stock at a substantial...Investment dictionary
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  4. greenmailсущ. фин. упр. зеленый шантаж зеленая почта гринмэйл выкуп компанией своих акций по повышенной цене у фирмы скупившей значительное число ее акций и угрожающей поглощением...Англо-русский экономический словарь
  5. greenmailвикуплення компаню свох акцй для протид спроб поглиненняem заходи до яких вдаться компаня для пдвищення ринково цни акцй для протид спроб поглинення...Англо-украинский бизнес словарь
  6. greenmailПокупка большого пакета акций компании которые затем продаются этой же компании с надбавкой к рыночной цене в обмен на обещание не претендовать на контроль над компанией....Финансы - оксфордский толковый словарь