Financial and business terms


angel investor: translation

angel investorangel investorinvestor

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angel investorUKUSnoun[C] (UKalsoangel)
FINANCEa person who invests money in a new business to help it get started:»

Succeeding as an angel investor is far from easy.

See alsoBUSINESS ANGEL(Cf. ↑business angel)

  1. angel investorangel investor translation n.An individual who invests in a startup company or other venture. Also angelstrong.angel investingstrong ppem.angel investmentstrong nem.Examp...Dictionary of new words
  2. angel investorAngel Investor translationAn investor who provides financial backing for small startups or entrepreneurs. Angel investors are usually found among an entrepreneurs family ...Investment dictionary
  3. angel investorфин. ангел бизнесангел ангел бизнеса деловой ангел инвесторангелu лицо вкладывающее средства в молодую развивающуюся компанию или другой высокорисковый проект который в с...Англо-русский экономический словарь