Энциклопедический словарь


Biblia pauperum — см. Библия бедных.

  1. biblia pauperumBiblia Pauperum translation Biblia Pauperum A collection of pictures representing scenes from Jesus life with the corresponding prophetic types dd Catholic Encyclopedia....Catholic encyclopedia
  2. biblia pauperumBiblia pauperum translation Lit.u Bibles of the poor. These Bibles were in fact versions replete with illustrations but with little text. As with paintings on the walls o...Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
  3. biblia pauperumBiblia Pauperum bersetzung Biublia Pauuperumstrong f. bliae [bli] Armenbibelem [lat.] Die Buchstabenfolge bibl.strong kann in Fremdwrtern auch bibl.strong getrennt ...Universal-Lexicon
  4. biblia pauperumлат.библия пауперум средневековое иллюстрированное издание библии для малограмотных...Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии
  5. biblia pauperumсм. Библия бедных....Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона