Encyclopedia of medieval literature


minstrel: translation

Minstrels were originally traveling professional entertainers of late medieval Europe in the tradition of the earlier SCOP or JONGLEUR.While some minstrels were clearly attached at least semipermanently to noble houses, most typically they were itinerant musicians, singers, storytellers, magicians, or jugglers who wandered from court to court and from town to town, performing wherever they were likely to find patronage. They do seem to have performed for all classes of society, from kings and nobles to priests, burgers, and laborers. As singers and storytellers, minstrels were likely to circulate love lyrics, folk BALLADS, old legends like the CHANSONS DE GESTE, and newer tales in the form of ROMANCES. Some of the popular MIDDLE ENGLISH romances, such asHAVELOK THE DANE, seem to have been the kind of tales popularized by minstrels.Rather than writing their songs or tales down, however, most minstrels seem to have relied on memory and improvisation as central to their art.
Minstrels flourished from the later 13th century through the early 15th.As time went on, more and more minstrels became associated with music rather than poetry and more often were attached permanently to noble houses or settled in towns, and during the 14th and 15th centuries, minstrel guilds began to develop throughout Europe. These guilds required that minstrels be trained by other members of the guild, ensured that there was work in the town for guild members, and protected guild members from competition by wandering musicians—the group from whom minstrels sprang to begin with. With the development of printing in the late 15th century, the art of minstrelsy, particularly as the wandering storyteller, declined significantly throughout Europe.
■ Southworth, John.The English Medieval Minstrel. Woodbridge, Suffolk, U.K.: Boydell, 1989.

  1. minstrelMinstrel translationOrig. a servant or handyman with specific functions later a person hired by a court or its lord to make music and sing also to act and clown. In the c...Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
  2. minstrelMinstrel translation Matt. a fluteplayer. Such music was a usual accompaniment of funerals. In Kings it denotes a player on a stringed instrument....Easton's Bible Dictionary
  3. minstrelminstrel translationSynonyms and related wordsBroadway musical Meistersinger Parnassian Singspiel archpoet artist artiste ballad maker ballad opera ballad singer balladee...Moby Thesaurus
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  6. minstreltranscription транскрипция [ mnstrl ]minstrel n AmE sl Hey pop a couple of minstrels. Thatll hold you till you can fix На заглотни эти таблетки. Ты сможешь продержаться д...Англо-русский новый словарь современного неформального английского языка
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  9. minstreln исполнители негритянских мелодий менестрель музыкант поэт...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  10. minstrelminstrel [mnstrl] nu менестрель поэт певец plu исполнители негритянских песен загримированные неграмиem...Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
  11. minstrelсущ. менестрель средневековый поэт поэт певец wandering minstrel бродячий певец Syn troubadour poet мн. исполнители негритянских песен загримированные неграми тж. Chr...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
  12. minstreln. менестрель поэт певец исполнитель негритянских песен...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
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  16. minstrelm s s ист. лит.em...Большой немецко-русский и русско-немецкий словарь
  17. minstreln AmE sl Hey pop a couple of minstrels. Thatll hold you till you can fix На заглотни эти таблетки. Ты сможешь продержаться до того пока не ширнешься...Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики
  18. minstrel[mnstrl] n. менестрель. поэт. музыкант поэт. pl исполнители негритянских мелодий песен шуток и т. п. загримированные неграми...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  19. minstrelminstrel [mnstrl] ni . менестрель . поэт. iмузыкант поэт . pl iисполнители негритянских мелодий песен шуток и т. п.i загримированные неграми...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  20. minstrelmnstrl n . менестрель . поэт. emмузыкант поэт . pl emисполнители негритянских мелодий песен шуток и т. п. загримированные неграми...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна
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