Encyclopedia of medieval literature


BIBLIOGRAPHY: translation

■ Caws, Mary Ann, and Christopher Prendergast, eds.The HarperCollins World Reader: Antiquity to the Early Modern World. New York: HarperCollins, 1994.
■ Davis, Paul, et al., comps.Western Literature in a World Context: Vol. 1,The Ancient World through the Renaissance. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995.
■ Hollister, C.Warren.Medieval Europe: A Short History. 4th ed. New York:Wiley, 1978.
■ Lawall, Sarah, and Maynard Mack, eds.The Norton Anthology of World Literature. Vol. B,1001500. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 2002.
■ “The Medieval Era.” InThe Longman Anthology of World Literature:Vol. B,The Medieval Era, edited by David L. Pike, et al., 1–9.New York: Longman, 2004.
■ Westling, Louise, et al., eds.The World of Literature. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1999.

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  6. bibliographyBibliography translation Anderson Gerald H. Robert T. Cotte Norman A. Horner and James M. Phillips eds. Mission Legacies Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Mis...Encyclopedia of Protestantism
  7. bibliographyBibliography translationPrimary SourcesCollections of Essays and ArticlesGeneral WorksFor other works of fiction set in fifteenthcentury England see Roxane C. Murph The W...Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses
  8. bibliographyBibliography translation Published material on the German theater is both extensive and as Prof. Simon Williams one of the great historians of the German theater once not...Historical dictionary of German Theatre
  9. bibliographyBibliography translation Internet Sites Dictionaries and Bibliographies of Sacred Music Biographies of musicians Bibliography Byzantine and Orthodox Discographies Im...Historical dictionary of sacred music
  10. bibliographyBibliography translationScandinavian literature is of course studied in the Scandinavian countries where the literatures of the respective languages are taught on all edu...Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater
  11. bibliographyBibliography translation As the scope of the dictionary entries and extent of this bibliography make clear there is a huge range of literature on shamans from introductor...Historical dictionary of shamanism
  12. bibliographyBibliography translationThe number of books dedicated to the late Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR and its successor state the Russian Federation is virtually inc...Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
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