Encyclopedia of hinduism


Videha: translation

Videha was an important region or country of ancient India, located in what is now north-ern Bihar state. With its capital Mithila it was mentioned in both the MAHABHARATA and the RAMAYANA. King Janaka of Videha was famous for his daughter SITA, who became Lord RAMA’s wife, and for reaching a perfected state through action alone, as recounted in the BHAGAVAD GITA. The king is also mentioned in the UPANISHADS as a knower of BRAHMAN. Videha is also mentioned in the Buddhist Jataka stories and the Majjhima Nikaya; the Buddha traveled there. MAHAVIRA, the great Jain TIRTHANKARA (perfected being), was born in this country.
Further reading:Yogendra Mishra, History of Videha: From the Earliest Times to the Foundation of the Gupta Empire, A.D. 319 (Patna: Janaki Prakashan, 1981).