Encyclopedia of hinduism


The concept of a bija (seed) MANTRA, originally derived from TANTRA, is widely employed in every sect of Hinduism. A bija is a short mantra, usually of one syllable, which is understood to be the vis-ible or audible form of a deity. A bija mantra ends with the letter m. Examples are Aim for SARASVATI, Shrim for LAKSHMI, Krim for KALI, and Gam for GANESHA. It the tantric tradition such mantras are given to initiates only. In KUNDALINI YOGA there are bija mantras for each of the CHAKRAS; they are recited in order to raise the kundalini, the divine serpent energy coiled at the base of the spine.
Further reading:Harish Johari, Tools for Tantra (Roch-ester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1986); Niramala Singha Kalasi, Bija Mantra Darshana (Vancouver, B.C.: Kalsi Technologies, 1996); Shree Rajneesh, Seeds of Revolu-tion: 120 Immortal Letters. Translated by T. V. Paramesh-var (Bombay: Life Awakening Movement, 1972).