Easton's Bible Dictionary


Tamar: translation

1)A place mentioned by Ezekiel (47:19; 48:28), on the southeastern border of Palestine. Some suppose this was "Tadmor" (q.v.).
2)The daughter-in-law of Judah, to whose eldest son, Er, she was married (Gen. 38:6). After her husband's death, she was married to Onan, his brother (8), and on his death, Judah promised to her that his third son, Shelah, would become her husband. This promise was not fulfilled, and hence Tamar's revenge and Judah's great guilt (38:12-30).
3)A daughter of David (2 Sam. 13:1-32; 1 Chr. 3:9), whom Amnon shamefully outraged and afterwards "hated exceedingly," thereby illustrating the law of human nature noticed even by the heathen, "Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris", i.e., "It is the property of human nature to hate one whom you have injured."
4)A daughter of Absalom (2 Sam. 14:27).

  1. tamarTamar bersetzungTamar Thamarbiblischer Name hebrischen Ursprungs Bedeutung Dattelpalme.hebrischer Ursprung Bedeutung Dattelpalme auch ein Mdchenname....Deutsch namen
  2. tamarTamar translation strong fl. thth cent BCE Israelite woman wife of Er the eldest son of Judahstrong and later wife of Ers brother Onanstrong. After Onans death Judahstro...Dictionary of Jewish Biography
  3. tamarTamar translation Tamar fu Jewishu very popular modern Hebrewu name see TAMARA SEE Tamara. Variant Tamaem....First names dictionary
  4. tamarn ж. мя Теймар....Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  5. tamarсм. tamal Вен....Испанско-русский словарь. Латинская Америка
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