Easton's Bible Dictionary


Salamis: translation

A city on the south-east coast of Cyprus (Acts 13:5), where Saul and Barnabas, on their first missionary journey, preached the word in one of the Jewish synagogues, of which there seem to have been several in that place. It is now called Famagusta.

  1. salamisSalamis translation Salamis A titular see in Cyprus. Salamis was a maritime town on the eastern coast of Cyprus situated at the end of a fertile plain between two mounta...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. salamisSalamis bersetzung nisi des Asopus Mutter von welcher die Insel Salamin den Namen haben soll. Pausan. Att. c. . p. . Ihr Gemahl war Panopeus. Phanodemus ap. Nat. Com. l. ...Grundliches mythologisches Lexikon
  3. salamisSalamis bersetzung Saulamis griechisch Salamis strong antike Hafenstadt an der Ostkste von Zypern nrdlich von Famagusta. Mythischer Grnder ist Teukros. Bedeutendstes S...Universal-Lexicon
  4. salamisnis acc.em na f. ов и город в Саранском заливе между Аттикой и Арголидой родина Эакидов в том числе Эанта Теламонида здесь в сентябре г. до н. э. греки под командованием...Латинско-русский словарь