Easton's Bible Dictionary


Halak: translation

Smooth; bald, a hill at the southern extremity of Canaan (Josh. 11:17). It is referred to as if it were a landmark in that direction, being prominent and conspicuous from a distance. It has by some been identified with the modern Jebel el-Madura, on the south frontier of Judah, between the south end of the Dead Sea and the Wady Gaian.

  1. halakhalak translationdestroyed fall ruin death [halaka] Azeu helak Hinu halak Peru halak Turu helak borrowed from Aru...Arabic etymological dictionary
  2. ha'la'khlkstrong Yanalif лакstrong Кириллица сущ. гибель погибель смерть lk tbe hlk ябеда пагуба бедствие крах катастрофа крушение hlk bulra погибатьпогибнуть умиратьуме...Татарско-русский словарь Кашаева