Dictionary of Renaissance art


(c. 1500-1547)
Perino del Vaga was among those responsible for establishing theManneriststyle inRomewhere he worked for a while as one of Raphael's assistants. He was originally fromFlorence, where he studied with Andrea de' Ceri and later Ridolfo, the son ofDomenico del Ghirlandaio. Perino's style owes debt toMichelangelofrom whose works he drew while both in Florence and Rome. His most notable work is theFall of the Giants(beg. 1529) in the Sala dei Giganti (Room of the Giants) of the Palazzo del Principe, Genoa, commissioned byAndrea Doriawho in 1528 established himself as the dictator of the Genoese Republic. Since Doria's palace was damaged by fire in 1527, Perino was also charged with the architectural renovations. There, a number of artists worked as his assistants, including Giovanni Antonio de Sacchis, called il Pordenone, andDomenico Beccafumi.