Dictionary of Renaissance art


An architectural treatise written byAndrea Palladiothat synthesizes the ideas on architecture expounded byLeon Battista AlbertiandVitruvius. The first book covers the rudiments of architecture and theclassicalorders. The second deals with domestic design and is based almost entirely on the villas and palaces Palladio built for the nobility in his hometown of Vincenza. The third book tackles public works, including roads and bridges, while the fourth is on ancient Roman architecture. Palladio's treatise, and especially book two, exerted tremendous influence in the development of architecture in Italy and elsewhere.Inigo Jones, who studied Palladio's designs, is credited with introducing Palladianism to England. His Banqueting House (1619-1622) in Whitehall Palace is based, in fact, on Palladio's design for the Palazzo Thiene in Vincenza, illustrated in the treatise.