Dictionary of Renaissance art


(c. 1414-1492)
Spanish painter from Tarragona whose manner is closely tied to theInternational Style. Jaime was trained by his uncle, Pere Huguet, who moved with him to Barcelona in 1434 near the studio ofBernardo Martorell. He was active in Zaragoza and Tarragona until 1448 when he returned to Barcelona, becoming the city's leading master in the years before his death. His influence spread to other parts of Spain, including Gerona, Lérida, and Aragon. Among his works are theFlagellationof Christ(1450s; Paris, Louvre), painted for the Cathedral of Barcelona; theSt.VincentAltarpiece(late 1450s; Barcelona, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya), originally meant for the Church of Sarria, Barcelona; and theRetable of Sts.Abdón and Senén(1459-1460) in the Church of Santa María, Tarrasa.