Dictionary of Renaissance art


Known in Italy as Giovanni Acuto, Hawkwood was a British mercenary who commanded theFlorentinearmy against Pisa. He was born in Essex, England, and began his military career in France. In 1364, he led the Pisan army in the war against Florence but, in 1377, after having served in the papal troops, he switched to the Florentine side, only to lose his life. While leading the Florentine army, Hawkwood was granted tax exemption and citizenship and, upon his death, he received the state funeral reserved for Florentine heroes. The Florentines also planned a large marble monument in his honor but the idea was abandoned when England reclaimed Hawkwood's remains. Hawkwood was finally memorialized in 1436 whenPaolo Uccellopainted afrescoin theCathedral of Florencedepicting the hero on horseback. The monochromatic palette Uccello used grants the illusion of a bronze monument, a fitting substitution for the earlier marble project. An inscription Uccello included in the fresco lauds Hawkwood as an able military commander. The work served to ascertain that Florence valued those who served it and bestowed upon them the highest honors.