Dictionary of Renaissance art


George, Saint: translation

A Christian knight who went to Libya to liberate its people from the dragon that terrorized them. To appease the dragon, the Libyans offered the daughter of King Servius as sacrifice. Saint George saved the princess, killed the dragon, and, in exchange, the Libyans agreed to be baptized. Donatello'sSt.George Killing the Dragon(1415-1417;Florence, Orsanmichele),Giovanni Bellini's scene of the same subject on thepredellaof thePesaro Altarpiece(1470s; Pesaro, Museo Civico), andAntonio Pisanello'sSt.George and the Princess(c. 1437-1438; Church of Sant' Anastasia, Verona) depict the moment when the saint rescues the woman from the beast. St. George endured a number of tortures for refusing to renounce his Christian faith. Each time, he miraculously emerged unscathed, until his final martyrdom when he was dragged and beheaded.Altichiero'sfrescoesin theOratory of St.Georgein Padua (1377) depict the life of the saint, including his baptizing King Servius and torture on the wheel.

  1. george, saintGeorge Saint translation George Saint Long scholarly article on St. George martyr patron saint of England dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight...Catholic encyclopedia