Dictionary of Renaissance art


Diana: translation

Goddess of the hunt, the daughter ofJupiterand Latona, and twin sister ofApollo. Diana's main trait is that she values her chastity. The crescent moon she wears on her head is one of her attributes, as are thenymphsand hunting dogs that accompany her. Among artworks that depict the goddess areFrancescoAlbani'sTriumph of Diana(c. 1618;Rome, GalleriaBorghese), which refers to the triumph of chastity; Domenichino'sDiana and the Hunt(1617; Rome, Galleria Borghese), based on an episode in Virgil'sAeneid; andBenvenuto Cellini'sDianalunette relief, a sensuous nude meant as part of the décor in the Palace of Fontainebleau and now at the Louvre in Paris.TitianpaintedDiana and Actaeon(1559; Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland), the myth in which the hunter accidentally surprised the goddess at her bath. In retaliation, she transformed him into a stag to be mauled by his own dogs.

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