Dictionary of Renaissance art


Danaë: translation

The daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos, Danaë was confined by her father to prevent her from conceiving the child an oracle predicted would kill him.Jupiter, who lusted after Danaë, appeared to her in the form of a shower of gold. From their union Perseus was born who accidentally killed Acrisius during a javelin-throwing contest. The scene was fairly common in the Renaissance as it provided artists with the opportunity to depict the female nude form. BothCorreggio(c. 1531;Rome, GalleriaBorghese) andTitian(1554; Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum) depicted Danaë as a reclining nude figure.Jan Gossart(1527; Munich, Alte Pinakothek) instead rendered her seminude and seated, fascinated by the speckles of gold that fall from above.

  1. danaeDanae bersetzungDanae Danagriechischer Name. In Deutschland nur selten verwendet. Bekannt aus der griechischen Mythologie als Geliebte des Zeus....Deutsch namen
  2. danaëDana translation Dana fu Name borne in Greeku mythology by the daughter of Acrisius who was ravished by Zeus in the form of a shower of gold as a result she gave birth to...First names dictionary
  3. danaëDana bersetzung es Gri. Tab. XVIII. des Akrisius und der Eurydice Apollod. lib. II. c. . . . oder nach andern der Aganippe Tochter. Hygin Fab. . Sie sollte nach des Or...Grundliches mythologisches Lexikon
  4. danaeDanae bersetzung Daunae [lateinisch] griechisch Danae griechischer Mythos emTochter des Knigs Akrisios von Argos. Da ihm durch das Orakel von Delphi geweissagt worden w...Universal-Lexicon
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