Dictionary of new words


zorse: translation

An animal that's a hybrid of a zebra and a horse.
Example Citation:
In addition to their five horses, the Elders own Zeb, a 10-year-old zebra.
"It's always been something I've wanted," Clarence said. "I wanted one for the challenge and just to be different."
The Elders bought Zeb from a ranch near Loma, Colo., for $8,000.
They cannot ride Zeb because a zebra's back cannot support the weight of a rider.
But he was bred to three of the Elders' mares, and they are expecting three "zorses" this spring.
— "North Dakota News Briefs,"The Associated Press, October 20, 2002
Earliest Citation:
Two dozen Loganville first graders giggled and gawked as dog trainer Jennifer Maginnis whistled Shep, her prize-winning border collie, through his paces.
Maginnis gave a command and Shep darted one way, herding a small clutch of sheep up a hill.Then she whistled a second signal and Shep tore off in another direction, moving the sheep back where they had been before. "I wish my dog was smart like that," 7-year-old Emerald Lane said.
But smart, sheep-steering dogs weren't the only impressive animals Emerald and her classmates found during a recent visit to Bluesprings Farm.
"We got to see a zebra!" said Emerald. ...
Soon he expects to have a new critter vying for affection. A pony was expecting and the suspected father was the zebra. Which of course, means the new addition to the farm will be a . . .
"It's azorse," Baird said, with a laugh. "Because the kids named it that."
— Joe Earle, "In Loganville, travel mementos graze and entertain children,"The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, May 12, 1994
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Pets and Animals