Dictionary of new words


A television sitcom aimed at or featuring teenagers. Also:zit-com.
Example Citation:
Press barons Kellner and Ancier, famous for their WBzitcomsand teen soaps, are attempting to "young-up" the news. The new zippy format is supposed to be hip, hipper than hip, as a way of trapping young people into watching the news.
— Marvin Kitman, "All the News That's Fit to Blurt,"Newsday, August 12, 2001
Earliest Citation:
CBS will present two new comedies tonight.At least I think they're comedies. That's what the press releases from the network say they are. It's good to have a visual aid sometimes. First up is "Fast Times," airing from 7 to 7:30 on WBBM-Channel 2, followed by "Tough Cookies" from 7:30 to 8. "Fast Times," best described as azit-com, is loosely based on the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High."
— Daniel Ruth, "`Fast Times': CBS hits a new slow,"Chicago Sun-Times, March 5, 1986
The wordzit— a pimple — entered the language around 1966 (the Oxford English Dictionary lists its etymology as "origin unknown") and has been going strong ever since. Most new dictionaries have an entry for it, and it pops up even in the most august publications (for example, it has made appearances inThe New York TimesandThe Washington Postthis year). It's a homely little word, but perhaps that's the secret of its success: it just feels like the right word for what it describes (unlike, say, the euphemisticblemish).
Its role in today's word — blending withsitcom(1964; short forsituation comedy) — is obvious enough, considering that teenagers are acne's target market.
Related Words:
comfort TV
peeping-Tom TV