Dictionary of new words


zero-day: translation

1. Relating to a computer security vulnerability that is exploited before the vulnerability is known to security experts.2. Relating to information obtained or discovered before it is publicly available.
Also:zero day,0day.
Example Citations:
Security and vulnerability tracking companies' reactions were more dramatic: they immediately raised alert levels, both because the flaw was an unpatched "zero-day" bug, and also because exploits were already out and about.Danish security company Secunia, for instance, tagged the new flaw as "Extremely critical," its highest warning; Symantec, meanwhile, gave it a rating of 9.4 on its 10-point scale for vulnerability alerts.
— Gregg Keizer, "Attackers Exploit NewZero-DayWindows Bug,"InformationWeek, December 28, 2005
Some vendors say they're doing the industry a service by paying others to uncover vulnerabilities, presumably removing software bugs. I agree it's a good thing not to have researchers posting harmfulzero-dayexploits on the Internet without giving the affected vendor time to address the issue. I also agree it's a good idea for security vendors to collectzero-dayinformation so they can provide preemptive protection capabilities to their products. But these ends are better achieved through controlled research within reputable and established security research organizations.
— Christopher Rouland, "It's NOT ethical for security companies to buy vulnerability information,"Network World, September 12, 2005
Earliest Citation:
"Hackers raise the bar for security and find holes that wouldn't otherwise be found," said Kent Browne of Condemned.org, a group of volunteer hackers that target child pornography sites. Browne said even the best intrusion detection tools identify only about 50 per cent of these exploits. The so-calledzero dayexploit list, which is circulated between elite hackers, features a minimum of 100 fresh vulnerabilities a week, he claimed.
— "We're the good guys' claim hackers,"VNU Newswire, April 13, 2000
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Hacking and Hackers
Privacy and Security