Dictionary of new words


The gradual encroachment of technology into every aspect of society. Also:technocreep,techno creep.
Example Citations:
Technology is also infringing on our home lives, with Moggridge citing a "frightening" trend in South Korea to have sophisticated workstations fitted in the bedrooms of children as young as eight. But he doubts suchtechno-creepwill be pandemic — after all, in the US, he says, "most homework is done in the car".
—Peta Tomlinson, "Watch this space,"South China Morning Post, November 24, 2006
Q: So how can our relationships guard against what you call "techno creep" — this constant digital connectivity and multitasking that is such a part of everyday life?
A: We need to be vigilant about the ways in which we're giving up rich and connected time we care about for trivial digital communications that seem urgent but aren't really important. We need to re-create boundaries. When you carry a digital gadget that creates a virtual link to the office, you need to create a virtual boundary that didn't exist before. Another quality that I think is very important but has been ignored is being fully present. We're multitasking and not paying full attention to the person next to us. We need to remind ourselves more often to pay attention to the human moment.
—Sharon Jayson, "Sociability: It's all in your mind" (interview with Daniel Goleman),USA Today, September 25, 2006
Earliest Citation:
"We're in the age of 'technocreep," said Steve Robinson, managing editor of CNN/SI, the cable channel and the Web site."It used to be a need would arise, and technology developed to fill that need."
Now, the technology bursts out, like a young dandelion, the spores floating through space, clinging to everything, coating the world.
—Michael Weinreb, "Sports Overload: Programming runs 24 and 7 and 365,"Akron Beacon Journal, November 8, 1999
There's an older sense of this term that refers to a person who uses technology for obnoxious or perverted ends. Here's the earliest citation:
Norman Black, a spokesman for the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association in Washington, D.C., says a new generation of digital phones due in a few years will be fully secure.
''With today's technology, you can't expect guaranteed privacy,'' says Black, who refers to eavesdroppers as ''techno-creeps.''
—Mike Urlocker, "Beware cellular 'creeps',"The Financial Post, December 30, 1991
Related Words:
ad creep
Christmas creep
commercial creep
digital dualism
jargon creep
mission creep
season creep
SPF creep
workweek creep
Computers (General)
Culture (General)
Technology (General)