Dictionary of new words


(SED.un.tair.ee deth SIN.drum, -drohm)
Death caused by extreme inactivity and poor nutrition. Also:SeDS.
Example Citation:
Americans are killing themselves at nearly double the rate of a decade ago with something that has been officially titledsedentary death syndrome. ... What are the syndrome's symptoms? The worst case is a constant intake of junk food ... with little or no fitness activity on a daily basis.
— Larry Hamilton, "Run away from sedentary lifestyle,"The State, December 27, 2001
Earliest Citation:
Being fat and out of shape now has a name —sedentary death syndrome.
A professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia said he invented the term to drive home his point that, in the United States, even the Grim Reaper is flabby.
Frank W. Booth hopes to use the coinage, which he shortens to SeDS, to make the public and the federal government pay more attention and spend more money on getting the public to be more active.
— Ira Dreyfuss, "Sedentary death syndrome? It's real, researchers say,"The Associated Press, May 31, 2001
Related Words:
buck fever
Dorito syndrome
False Authority Syndrome
information fatigue syndrome
Jane Wayne syndrome
leisure sickness
locked-in syndrome
nature-deficit disorder
perfect programmer syndrome
Pierre Salinger syndrome
stroke belt
teleworkaholic syndrome
toasted skin syndrome
underload syndrome
Sports and Recreation
Diseases and Syndromes