Dictionary of new words


friend: translation

On a social networking website, to add a person to one's list of acquaintances, and vice versa.
Example Citations:
Even though faculty members are making an effort to reach out, students are more likely "tofriend" deans.
When asked how deans react to students "friending" them, Neigeborn said "Students dofriendme and I'm always excited when it happens. I neverfriendstudents unless I talk to them about it first."
She added, "I don't want students to feel pressured because of my position as a dean. Facebook is a social environment and I don't want to cramp anyone's style. I'd definitelyfriendyou back if you asked and I'd read your profile and try to come up with something to put on your wall. I wouldn't make a habit of it, just once as a way of letting you know that I'm happy to know you."
—Sakina Namazi and Casey Waltz, Rutgers deans 'friend' students via Facebook,"Daily Targum(via University Wire), November 6, 2006
By now, I bet almost everybody knows somebody who has joined a social networking Web site like MySpace.com, with more than 90 million members, or Facebook.com, a college-based Web site that has become a high-school favorite, too. That means most people probably also know that ''friend'' is no longer just a noun, but a verb, one that entails minimal exertion: ''tofriend'' a person involves an exchange of mouse clicks, one to request a spot on someone's (often very lengthy) list of people granted access to his or her online profile, and a click in response to accept the petitioner.
—Ann Hulbert, "Confidant Crisis,"The New York Times, July 16, 2006
Earliest Citation:
This week s procrastination buzz comes out of Fairfield, where the school was recently added to The Facebook [ www.thefacebook.com: http://www.thefacebook.com], a Web site that is oddly addictive considering how simple it really is.Students post profiles of themselves, go on a frenzy looking for friends on the system, andfriendingthem on the site. If their friend does the samefriendingprocess, they're listed on each other's profiles.
—"Putting on your Face and find a Friend,"Connecticut Post, November 4, 2004
Related Words:
pity friend
six degrees patent
social media
social networking
social notworking
Social Networking
Verbed Nouns
Sociology (General)

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  13. friendn . pros сутенер . US sl менструация usu have a friend to stay...Англо-русский словарь непристойных выражений
  14. friend. сущ. а друг приятель товарищ She was a good friend to us. Она была нам хорошим близким другом. my good friend мой добрый друг fairweather friend ненадежный друг in...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
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  17. friendn коллега партнер квакер Friends of the Earth Society of Friends...Англо-русский словарь политической терминологии
  18. friendn. друг приятельница подруга приятель знакомый товарищ коллега сторонник доброжелатель квакер...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
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  22. friend.strong n друг приятель подругаto make friends with подружитися зa friend in need is a friend indeed присл. друз пзнаються в бд товариш колегаmy honorable friend мй ве...Англо-украинский словарь
  23. friendдруг подруга...Англо-украинский юридический словарь
  24. friendn . колега спвпартнер . F. квакер my honorable мй шановний брат згадка одним членом парламенту ншого в промов my learned мй вчений колего звертання одного адвоката до...Англо-український дипломатичний словник
  25. friendдруг приятель товаришка товариш...Англо-український словник
  26. friend. n друг приятель подруга bosom sworn нерозлучний щирий друг to make s with smb. подружити заприятелювати з кимсь to make s помиритися знайомий have you any s here чи ...Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  27. friendдруг подруга...Англо-український юридичний словник
  28. friend.strong [frend] n. другbosom sworn friend закадычный другto be friends with smb. дружить с кемл.to make friends with smb. to make a friend of smb. подружиться с кемл....Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  29. friendfriend . [frend] ni . друг bosom sworn закадычный друг to be s with smb. дружить с кемл. to make s with smb. to make a of smb. подружиться с кемл. to make s помири...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  30. friend.strong frend n . друг bosom sworn закадычный друг to be s with smb. дружить с кемл. to make s with smb. to make a of smb. подружиться с кемл. to make s помири...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна
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