Dictionary of new words


rage rage: translation

Anger directed at people who commit acts of road rage, air rage, and so on.
Example Citation:
"It is important that we are not drawn into the trap of believing that conditions such as 'road rage', 'air rage' and now 'computer rage' exist in their own right: they are merely buzz terms used to describe bad behaviour for which the perpetrator must accept responsibility.
Any who seek to disagree with this view could of course argue that I suffer from 'rage rage', a condition into which, sadly, I have no insight."
— Luke Birmingham, "All the rage,"The Times (London), June 11, 1999
Related Words:
air rage
checkout-line rage
dot-com rage
gallery rage
go postal
hedge rage
IT rage
road rage
stress puppy
stress portfolio
technology-related anxiety
trade rage
Web rage
work rage
zoo rage
Anger and Anxiety