Dictionary of new words


A person who realizes he or she is gay relatively late in life.
Example Citations:
Of increasing frequency are the "late-breaking gays" who abandon their spouse and children for a gay partner. It is depicted in films, in Broadway plays, and on the Oprah Winfrey show.
—Ralph Slovenko,Psychiatry in Law / Law in Psychiatry: http://books.google.com/books?id=LJ7RxeaBGzQC&pg=PA315&dq='late-breaking-gays'\#v=onepage&q='late-breaking gays'&f=false, Routledge, Mar 3, 2009
Some people turn gay late in life. Witness former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey, who was married twice and had children before he announced that he was a "gay American." Former Clinton pollster Mark Penn even coined a term who out themselves or discover they are gay in their 30s or 40s:late-breaking gays.
—Mark Stricherz, " Sorry, Kagan might be gay: http://trueslant.com/markstricherz/2010/05/12/sorry-kagan-might-be-gay/,"The Catholic Pol, May 12, 2010
Earliest Citation:
SuchLate-Breaking Gaysare a growing force in America. While exact numbers are hard to come by, experts estimate that there are at least 2 million gays and lesbians who were once married to people of the opposite sex or still are.
—Mark Penn,Microtrends: http://www.amazon.com/reader/B0029LHX4O?_encoding=UTF8&query=%26%2334%3Blate-breaking%20gay%26%2334%3B\#reader_B0029LHX4O, Twelve, September 5, 2007
Notes:Related Words:
Brokeback marriage
Gay and Lesbian