Dictionary of new words


A person who is interested in and sympathetic to the goals of radical Islam, but who is not a member of a radical group. Also:ji-hobbyist.
Example Citations:
'Jihobbyists' are people drawn to the online theater of violent jihad, becoming increasingly radical as they delve deeper into Web forums. Colleen LaRose, also known as 'Jihad Jane,' is an example of this threat, according to counterterrorism experts.
—Michael B. Farrell, " Jihad Jane case suggests rising threat from online 'jihobbyists': http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0319/Jihad-Jane-case-suggests-rising-threat-from-online-jihobbyists,"The Christian Science Monitor, March 19, 2010
The same holds true whether it's a group of "jihobbyists" praising the latest attack by Muslim extremists or the tiny weirdo fringe that thinks Timothy McVeigh was justified in blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
—" Editorial: No heroism in Austin suicide attack: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/opinion/editorials/stories/DN-suicide_20edi.State.Edition1.2b1c116.html,"The Dallas Morning News, February 20, 2010
Earliest Citation:
The third tier of the Jihadist movement comprises those individuals, cells or groups who emerge without direct assistance, training or support from any official al-Qaida element.Some call them "self-starters," others refer to them as practitioners of "home-grown terrorism." Crucially, they come to the movement of their own volition. They may be guided by teachers, friends, mentors or religious figures, but they largely drive their own radicalization. This book coins a new term for such enthusiasts of the global Jihadist ideology:Jihobbyists.
—Jarret Brachman,Global Jihadism: http://books.google.com/books?id=D_L5iDSTt9EC&pg=PA19, Routledge, September 9, 2008
Notes:Related Words:
asymmetric warfare
franchise terrorism
hobby hobo
homicide bombing
shoeicide bomber
smallpox martyr
suicide bomber
What's all this "Word Blending" shite? The Oxford Dictionary of English contains a prodigious amount (twenty volumes) of glorious, spellbinding and, lets face it, perfectly apt words (plus at least another three volumes of additions.) So, why not ditch the 'thumbo's and 'churnalism's in favour of a few endangered (and actually useful) words. Not that I mind neologising of course, but 'jihobbyinst'? Really? It doesn't exactly purvey a sense of demagoguery, does it? –CONCERNED–