Dictionary of new words


Extreme anger or aggression exhibited by a homeowner in response to a neighbor's massive or overgrown hedge.
Example Citations:
It's hardly surprising that high hedges are the thorny issue of many neighbourly disputes. Now SNP MSP Mark McDonald is to bring a bill to Holyrood in a bid to create new laws to tackle so-calledhedge rage.
—Roxanne Sorooshian, " Answer found at the bottom of a glass: http://www.heraldscotland.com/comment/columnists/answer-found-at-the-bottom-of-a-glass.15050811,"The Herald, September 10, 2011
Campaigners have said that problems with overgrown vegetation can lead to confrontation between residents, which has been dubbed "hedge rage".
—" High hedge bill endorsed by Holyrood committee: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-21220491,"BBC News, January 27, 2013
Earliest Citation:
It seemshedge-rageis sweeping the nation, especially Leylandii which grows a yard a year and turns neighbours into gibbering wrecks.
—Graham Danton, "Strange logic of the human mind,"Western Morning News, March 20, 1998
Notes:Related Words:
air rage
checkout-line rage
gallery rage
IT rage
rage rage
road rage
trade rage
Web rage
work rage
wrap rage
zoo rage
Plants and Gardening
Anger and Anxiety