Dictionary of new words


Generica: translation

Generic America. Landscape features (such as strip malls, pre-fab housing, and streets named "Main") that are identical no matter what part of America you visit.
Example Citation:
"Along with the supe and the poet, the progressive alty paper argues chain stores give neighborhoods a 'homogenous look many call 'Generica', generic America.' "
— Bob Armstrong, "Howling against the siren-song of gentrification,"The San Francisco Examiner
Related Word:
Culture (General)

  1. genericaОбщак общага генеральность типикал внешние приметы американского образа жизни которые можно встретить повсюду в неизменном виде закусочные торговые пассажи филиалы....Англо-русский словарь идиом