Dictionary of new words


The elite members of the technological class.
Example Citations:
The School of Computer Science and its Robotics Institute, along with Pittsburgh's Carnegie Science Center and Pennsylvania officials, will collaborate on an interactive robotics exhibit, based on the hall of fame, that will educate and entertain the public, according to Carnegie Mellon. But for now, the Robot Hall of Fame (http://www.robothalloffame.org) is an interactive Web site featuring pictures and videos of the inductees.
Last week's induction ceremony, at the Carnegie Science Center, was well attended by thegeekerati.
— Megan Meline, "Fanfare for the Common Robot,"The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 21, 2003
Japanese gaming guru Hiroyuki kicked off the Sony-slam with a question: "How many of you own a PS2?" Hands shot up all over the room."What are you playing on it?" asked Hiroyuki, who goes by one name. The audience of 50 gameplayers and designers fell silent, then succumbed to giggles. "Dragon Quest for PS1," someone finally offered sheepishly, referring to a game for the first, supposedly outdated PlayStation 1. "DVD movies!" a second voice shouted. With that, thegeekeratierupted in derisive hoots and hollers.
— George Wehrfritz and Kay Itoi, "Pow! Sony Gets Hit,"Newsweek, December 18, 2000
Earliest Citation:
Malda, his best friend Jeff Bates (also 23) and a passel of buddies run Slashdot.org, a four-year-old site on the Web that has become required reading for thegeekerati.
— John Schwartz, "Truth-Seeking Geeks Slice Into A Web of Lies,"The Washington Post, May 10, 2000
Related Words:
alpha geek
geek gap
Computers (General)
Technology (General)