Dictionary of new words


A park that displays little or no artificial light in order to give the best possible view of the night sky. Also:dark-skies preserve,dark-sky park.
Example Citation:
"The 'dark-sky preserve' will be almost free of light pollution even though the area is within easy reach of Southern Ontario's most highly developed areas."
— Martin Mittelstaedt, "Ontario's 'dark-sky' park a world first,"The Globe and Mail
Earliest Citation:
Night lights: You've probably heard about cities that declare themselves "nuclear-free zones." Now that the Cold War is over, regional governments have found a trendier way to influence national policy: Declare themselves"dark skies" preserves.
They've done so to improve observing conditions for astronomers, whose view of the sky is increasingly soured by urban lighting.(Example: Southern California has some of the world's most wonderful observatories, but "light pollution" may render the observatories useless as cities, lighted billboards and shopping malls spread from horizon to horizon.)
The New Mexico Legislature recently passed a resolution designating the state a"dark skies" state, reports the newsletter of the InternationalDark-SkyAssociation in Tucson, Ariz. The resolution says astronomical observatories and laboratories are an "economical benefit" to the state, and so requests "the cooperation of public and private utilities, billboard owners, counties, municipalities and others owning itself or operating outdoor lights to reduce light pollution."
In June, the Michigan Legislature passed, and Gov. John Engler signed, a law designating an area near Hudson, Mich., as a "Dark Sky Preserve."
— Keay Davidson, "Bright lights spawn'dark skies' preserves,"The Salt Lake Tribune, August 5, 1993
Related Words:
black-hole resort
global dimming