Dictionary of new words


A person who is obsessed with minimizing his or her use of carbon. —adj.
Example Citations:
Being environmentally aware is one thing, and being obsessed with it, is another, say US psychiatrists, who warn that extreme environmental awareness may be creating a generation of "carborexics".
In a new survey, it was found that seven per cent of Americans come into the category of "dark green" — hard core recyclers and carbon footprint worriers.
However, scientists claim that there is a thin line between these behavioural traits qualifying for eco-leadership or bordering on the obsessive-compulsive.
—"Dark-green 'carborexics' — the latest generation of extreme green addicts,"Asia News International, October 21, 2008
Do you feel anxious when you see a television set left on standby? Does the sight of a plastic bottle haphazardly tossed into a paper-only recycling bin make you feel nauseous? Are you consumed with rage when someone has left an empty room and not switched off the light? Have you recently found yourself overcome with a desire to spit on your car-driving friends and family? When a loved one tells you that he is flying off for some winter sun, do you feel like bludgeoning him over the head with a blunt instrument until he appears no longer to be breathing?
If so, don't worry! You are probably suffering from "carborexia', Or "energy anorexia'.
—Bryony Gordon, " Obsessed with saving the planet? There are worse fates: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2008/10/23/do2303.xml,"The Daily Telegraph, October 23, 2008
Earliest Citation:
Jay Matsueda, who might also answer to the name energy anorexic, orcarborexic, has neither heat nor air-conditioning in his condominium in Culver City, Calif.
He runs his car, a 1983 Mercedes SD Turbo, on waste oil from a Los Angeles restaurant.When he gives a gift, it is usually an organic cookbook, a copy of Al Gore's book 'An Inconvenient Truth' or reusable bamboo flatware.
—Joanne Kaufman, " Completely Unplugged, Fully Green: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/19/fashion/19greenorexia.html (registration required),"The New York Times, October 19, 2008
Here's the earliest citation of another sense of this term -- a person who is obsessed with eating carbohydrates:
Do you have an eating disorder?
Of course darling. What kind of model would I be without one? Except mine is calledcarborexia. Just can't get enough of those damn pizzas and hamburgers.
—Tim Yap, "Unlocking Griffin's door,"Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 22, 2005
Related Words:
carbon neutral
carbon offset
corporate anorexia