Dictionary of new words


after-party: translation

A social gathering that occurs after a party, especially after a rave. Also:afterparty.
Example Citation:
At early-morning "after-parties," friends would recover from the hard beats of electronica (and the disorienting effects of Ecstasy) with the quiet balm of ambient music.
— Jim Farber, "The new easy listening,"Daily News, April 28, 2002
Earliest Citation:
"It was funny," said a jovial and very relaxed Walter Cronkite, "but I can't remember a damn thing." He said this about 1:45 a.m., deeply immersed in the evening's biggestafterparty, held by The Los Angeles Times and The Detroit News.
— Elisabeth Bumiller, "The Mocking of the President 1980 at the Gridiron Follies,"The Washington Post, March 17, 1980
Related Words:
cuddle puddle
Matzoh Ball
quiet party
Culture (General)