Dictionary of microbiology


intermediate host: translation

(in"ter-me\'de-it hōst)
The host that serves as a temporary but essential environment for development of a parasite and completion of its life cycle.

  1. intermediate hostпромежуточный хозяин напр. паразитаem...Англо-русский словарь по иммунологии
  2. intermediate hostintermediate host translationa fish in which a parasite passes a larval or nonreproductive phase...Dictionary of ichthyology
  3. intermediate hostintermediate host translation One which alternates with the definitive host in which the parasite passes through partial development but not to sexual maturity see defini...Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
  4. intermediate hostпромежуточный хозяин промежуточный хозяин...Англо-русский словарь биологических терминов
  5. intermediate hostпромежуточный хозяин паразита...Англо-русский словарь по биотехнологиям