Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases


Regrater: translation

The middleman in the scheme of medieval trade where artisans and bakers or brewers etc. sold their own produce. The regrator bought bread or fish or other goods to sell on his own behalf, perhaps as a street-hawker. He or she was bound by the terms of the relevant *assize which dealt with what was sold, e.g. he was not allowed to sell dearer than the price specified by assize. In Oxford, a certain number of regrators were licensed; in York, 14c city ordinances bound regrators tightly to the assize. Frequently, women were the petty traders in towns, finding their way into the courts for forestalling or as a regrator. [<OldFr.regrattier / regratteur= a huckster] -
Cf.Regrate and Regratorie; Forestallers, Statute of; Huckster