Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases


Querela: translation

Lit.'a plaint, a plea'. Latin term for one of the procedures imposed on Henry III in the provisions of *Oxford in May 1258. The querela was a simple oral complaint by which a legal action could be initiated. The barons sought to cut through excessive legal bureaucracy: the querela in its simplicity was the answer. *Bracton said: 'No one may sue without a writ [i.e. querela] since without a writ the other is not bound to answer.' The querela, being oral, bypassed the formal and lengthy procedures involved in getting written documents from *chancery. Although available to all, the barons had wanted the querela as a means of investigating royal officials without hindrance by other royal officers. All that was required was for a complaint to be made in a *county court in front of four knights - after that the king's justice was invoked. [<Lat.querelo= to bring an action]

  1. querelaf книжн. жалоба стон юр. иск жалоба dare sporgere querela подать жалобу в суд ritirare la querela отказаться от иска Syn lagnanza lamento protesta accusa Ant remiss...Большой итальяно-русский и русско-итальянский словарь
  2. querelaиск судебное дело жалоба заявление в суд привлечение к суду querela per diffamazioneritirare la querelasporgere querela contro qlcu....Итальянско-русский экономический словарь
  3. querelaf исковое заявление иск жалоба...Итальянско-русский юридический словарь
  4. querelaquerelaae fiжалоба...Латинский словарь
  5. querelaquerelaquerela ae fжалоба...Латинско-русский словарь
  6. querelaquerla ae f.em [ queror ] жалоба alicujus rei или de aliqu re Cem жалобный крик вопль vel admiratio vel q. Cem жалобная песня long somnum suadre querel St судебная жалоб...Латинско-русский словарь
  7. querelaquerella чисто юридич. термин равно как tutela corruptela жалоба иск . D. . cf. . . . D. I . . D. . . D. querelam deferre . D. . . pr. D. . . D. . Gai. I...Латинско-русский словарь к источникам римского права
  8. querelaf юр жалоба иск ссора раздор...Португальско-русский словарь