Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases


Intrinsecus: translation

The king's inner marshal. His duty was to watch over and guard the inner parts of wherever the king was in residence, and to ensure that courtesans (those with attachments to a courtier) were not too intrusive or conspicuous. [Lat.intrinsecus= on the inside, within] -
Cf.Intrinsec; Clerk of the market; Forinsecus

  1. intrinsecusintrinsecusвнутриизнутри...Латинский словарь
  2. intrinsecusintrinsecusintrinsecusизнутри...Латинско-русский словарь
  3. intrinsecusintrnsecus adv.em [ intra secus ] внутри изнутри navis i. bene compacta Ap jecur i. cavum extrinscus gibbum CC печень изнутри вогнутая снаружи выпуклая внутрь replicar...Латинско-русский словарь
  4. intrinsecusintrinsecusintrinsecusвнутри...Латинско-русский словарь
  5. intrinsecusвнутри . D. ....Латинско-русский словарь к источникам римского права