Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases


Incipit: translation

Lit.'it begins, here begins'. MSS lacked title pages as we know them; instead the texts they contained were referred to by their opening words or words in lists or catalogues of books. (A papal *bull was known by its opening words.) However, there were times when a monastery possessed several copies of one text. In such cases, the words secundo folio (= second folio) prefixed the first word or words of the second leaf for use as identification. Few if any copies of a text were likely to have the exact same number of words written by the beginning of the second leaf. -

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  4. incipitлат.em начинается вводная формула в начале Ср.век. рукописей и первопечатных книг выполнявшая функции еще неизвестного титульного листа и сообщавшая имя автора и назв. кн...Словарь античности