Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases


Halley's comet: translation

The appearance it is perhaps most famous for, that of 1066, is noted in *ASC, where it is referred to as 'the star called comet', as it had been when visible in 955; it was also called the 'long-haired comet'. Although the *Bayeux Tapestry shows the comet at Harold I's coronation, soon after Edward the Confessor's death on 5 January, it was in fact visible in England only in the last week of April, 10 days after Easter. The comet appeared also in June 1456. Then it was taken as a sign of the return of King Arthur, who would replace the hapless King Henry VI. As in 1066, the comet was seen as harbinger of a change of dynasty. -
Cf.Feaxede steorra

  1. halley's cometкомета Галлея...Англо-русский словарь по космонавтике
  2. halley's cometHalleys comet комета Галлея. Названа по имени Эдмунда Галлея Edmund Halley английского астронома и геофизика. Составил первый каталог звезд Южного неба открыл собстве...Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический словарь И. Мостицкого