Dictionary of Jewish Biography


Zimri: translation

1)(fl. ?13th cent BCE)
Israelite, head of a clan of the tribe of Simeon. He consorted with a Midianite woman, and with her was stabbed byPhinehas, the grandson ofAaron. This act ended a plague which had been visited on the Israelites for commiting harlotry with Midianite women and worshipping Baal Peor (Numbers 25).
2)(fl. 9th cent, BCE)
King of Israel (855 BCE) A captain of half the chariots of the Israelites, he killedElah, son ofBaasha, when he had reigned for only a short time. After Zimri assumed power he executed all the male relatives and admirers ofBaasha(I Kings 16:11). However, he reigned for only seven days.Omriwas proclaimed king by his own men and besieged Tirzah the capital city. Zimri set his own palace on fire and died in the blaze, thus evading capture.

  1. zimriZimri translation Praiseworthy. A son of Salu slain by Phinehas the son of Eleazar because of his wickedness in bringing a Midianitish woman into his tent Num. . Murder...Easton's Bible Dictionary