Dictionary of Jewish Biography


Pekah: translation

(fl. 8th cent BCE)
King of Israel (735-732 BCE). He gained the throne by killingPekahiah. He formed an alliance with Rezin of Aram-Dammesek and together they attacked Judah. KingAhazof Judah appealed to the Assyrian king Tiglath-Pileser III who invaded the allied kingdom, abolished Aram-Dammesek as a state, and stripped Israel of Galilee and Gilead. Pekah was later killed byHoshea.

  1. pekahPekah translation Openeyed the son of Remaliah a captain in the army of Pekahiah king of Israel whom he slew with the aid of a band of Gileadites and succeeded B.C. on t...Easton's Bible Dictionary