Dictionary of Jewish Biography


Mahler, Gustav: translation

Austrian musician. Born in Kalischt, Bohemia, he studied at the Vienna Conservatory and worked in several operatic companies in Kassel, Prague and Leipzig. He later became musical director of the Budapest Opera and at the Hamburg Municipal Theatre. He converted to Catholicism and became Kapellmeister at the Vienna Court Opera, and later artistic director. Subsequently he became guest conductor of the Metropolitan Opera, and later the New York Philharmonic. His reputation is based largely on ten symphonies and song cycles.

  1. mahler gustavМалер Густав композитор дирижр оперный режисср. Своим творчеством подготовил появление музыкального экспрессионизма. Симфониякантата Песнь о земле считается крупнейшим яв...Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь