Dictionary of Jewish Biography


Lang, Fritz: translation

Austrian film director. He initially was a painter in Paris, but returned to Austria at the outbreak of World War I. In 1919 he began directing and produced a number of films. He was offered the directorship of the film industry of the Third Reich, but he feared his Jewish origin would be discovered and fled to France. Later he went to Hollywood. During the war he made a number of anti-Nazi films. He eventually returned to Germany.

  1. lang, fritzLang Fritz translation director deemed the most ingenious filmmaker of the Weimar era. Born in Vienna he studied architecture at the citys Technische Hochschuleem. But an...Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
  2. lang fritzЛанг Фриц кинорежисср по профессии художник стоял у истоков немого Доктор Мабузе Нибелунги и звукового Индийская гробница кино. Один из немногих представителей экспрессио...Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь
  3. lang, fritzсм. Ланг Фриц...Режиссерская энциклопедия. Кино США