Dictionary of Jewish Biography


Gehazi: translation

(fl. 9th cent BCE)
Israelite, servant ofElisha. In the story of the wealthy Shunammite woman (II Kings 4:8-37), he acted as Elisha's faithful messenger and loyal protector. However, he is depicted as greedy and cunning in the story ofNaaman; after trying to deceiveElisha, he was cursed with the leprosy of which Naaman was cured (II Kings 5). In the story of the woman from Shunem and the King of Israel (II Kings 8:1-6), he told the king about the great deeds whichElishahad performed.

  1. gehaziGehazi translation Valley of vision Elishas trusted servant Kings . He appears in connection with the history of the Shunammite Kings and of Naaman the Syrian. On ...Easton's Bible Dictionary