Dictionary of Hallucinations


acute hallucinosis: translation

The term acute hallucinosis refers to a subtype of * hallucinosis characterized by a delusional and hallucinatory state of a limited duration not necessarily with an acute onset. The term was employed from about 1900 onwards in opposition to the expression * chronic hallucinosis, which refers to a delusional and hallucinatory state of a more protracted, often permanent nature. As a nosological category, acute hallucinosis is classified as a specific type of the *hallucinosic syndrome.
Plaut, F. (1913).Über Halluzinosen der Syphilitiker. Berlin: Verlag von Julius Springer.
Berrios, G.E. (1985).Hallucinosis.In: Neu-robehavioural disorders. Edited by Frederiks, J.A.M. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publications.

  1. acute hallucinosisострый галлюциноз Англорусский медицинский словарь....Англо-русский медицинский словарь