Dictionary of Hallucinations


abdominal aura: translation

Also known asvisceral auraandepigastric aura. The term abdominal aura is indebted to the Latin wordsabdomen(belly) andaura(wind, smell). It is used to denote a type of * somatosensory or *somaesthetic aura that typically manifests itself as a rising epigastric sensation. Other presentations of the abdominal aura include viscerosen-sitive sensations such as abdominal discomfort, visceromotor symptoms presenting in the form of tachycardia, borborygmi or vomiting, and vegetative symptoms such as blushing and sweating.Pathophysiologically, the abdominal aura is associated with aberrant neuronal discharges in sensory cortical areas representing the abdominal viscera. Etiologically, it is associated primarily with paroxysmal neurological disorders such as migraine and epilepsy. The abdominal aura can be classified as a * somatic or *coenesthetic hallucination. The term is used in opposition to various terms denoting other types of somatosensory aura, notably * splitting of the body image and * paraesthesia.
Wieser, H.-G. (1982).Zur Frage der lokalisatorischen Bedeutung epileptischer Halluzinatio-nen.In:Halluzinationen bei Epilepsien und ihre Differentialdiagnose. Edited by Karbowski, K. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
Lüders, H., Acharya, J., Baumgartner, C., Banbadis, S., Bleasel, A., Burgess, R., Dinner, D.S., Ebner, A., Foldvary, N., Geller, E.,
Hamer, H., Holthausen, H., Kotagal, P., Morris, H., Meencke, H.J., Noachtar, S., Rosenow, F., Sakamotot, A., Steinhoff, B.J., Tuxhorn, I., Wyllie, E. (1998). Semiological seizure classification.Epilepsia, 39, 1006-1013.

  1. abdominal auraабдоминальная аура Англорусский медицинский словарь....Англо-русский медицинский словарь