Dictionary of Australian Biography

FULTON, HENRY (17611840)

early clergyman and schoolmaster
was born in 1761. He was educated at a university, graduated B.A., and towards the close of the eighteenth century was a clergyman in the diocese of Killaloe, Ireland. He became involved in the insurrection of 1798 and was transported to New South Wales. Though sometimes afterwards referred to as an ex-convict, he was really a political prisoner. The bishop of Derry, in a letter to the archbishop of Canterbury written in August 1807, stated that Fulton "agreed to transport himself for life to Botany Bay" (H.R. of N.S.W., vol. VI, p. 276). He left Ireland with his wife and son on theMinervaon 24 August 1799, and shared the same cabin withJoseph Holt(q.v.) (Memoirs of Joseph Holt, vol.II, p. 33). They arrived at Sydney on 11 January 1800. Fulton was conditionally emancipated in November, and began to conduct services at the Hawkesbury on 7 December. In February 1801 he was sent to Norfolk Island to act as chaplain, in December 1805 he received a pardon fromGovernor King(q.v.), and in the following year he returned to Sydney to take up the duties ofMarsden(q.v.) who had been given leave of absence. At the time of the revolt against Bligh, Fulton stood by him and, showing no disposition to yield to the officers, was suspended from his office as chaplain. On 18 May 1808 he wrote to Bligh testifying to his justice and impartiality, and in April and July 1808 and on 14 February and 23 March 1809, he wrote letters to Viscount Castlereagh giving accounts of what had happened and severely censuring the conduct of the officers. Immediately after the arrival ofGovernor Macquarie(q.v.) Fulton was reinstated as assistant chaplain. He went to England as a witness at the court martial ofColonel Johnston(q.v.), and returned to Sydney in 1812. In 1814 he was appointed chaplain at Castlereagh and was made a magistrate. He also established a school and had for a pupilCharles Tompson(q.v.) who dedicated his volumeWild Notes from the Lyre of a Native Minstrelto Fulton. This was the first volume of verse written by a native-born Australian and published in Australia. The first poem in the book "Retrospect" has complimentary references to Fulton. as a teacher and as a man. In 1833 Fulton was still chaplain at Castlereagh, and in that year published a pamphlet of some forty pages entitledStrictures Upon a Letter Lately Written by Roger Therry, Esquire, and in 1836 his name appears as a member of a sub-committee at Penrith formed to work against the introduction of the system of national education then established in Ireland. He died at the parsonage, Castlereagh, on 17 November 1840.
Fulton was a man of the highest character who lost his living in Ireland on account of his sympathy for the Irish, and in Australia again went against his own interests in supporting Bligh. He was married and had one son and three daughters.
The Sydney Herald, 21 November 1840;Historical Records of N.S.W., vols. IV, VI, VII;Historical Records of Australia, ser. I, vols. III, VI to XI, XIII, XIV, XVIII.