Dictionary of Australian Biography


was the son of Captain Charlton Nassau Tucker, a cavalry officer in the East India Company's service. He was born in London in 1862 and came to Melbourne in 1881. He studied at the national gallery school and afterwards at Paris. He returned to Melbourne and about the year 1893 was associated withE. Phillips Fox(q.v.) in the conduct of the Melbourne art school. He was back in London in 1899 working in a studio at Chelsea, and had two paintings in the 1900 Royal Academy exhibition, two in 1901 and one in 1902. He died in London in 1906. He suffered much from ill health and his work is comparatively little known. He did some good painting in oils which found more favour with brother artists than with the public. He is represented in the corporation art gallery at Derby, England, in the national gallery, Melbourne, and in the Warrnambool gallery.
W. Moore,The Story of Australian Art; Thieme-Becker,Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler; A. Graves,The Royal Academy Exhibitors.