Dictionary of American idioms


quick on the uptake: translation

quick on the uptake
quick to understand or learn something. •

Just because I'm not quick on the uptake, it doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Mary understands jokes before anyone else because she's so quick on the uptake.

* * *
{adj. phr.} Smart; intelligent. * /Eleanor is very witty and quick on the uptake./

  1. quick on the uptakeuptake quick on the adj infml Hes quick on the uptake Он все ловит на лету Ive always taught my girls that love is the most important thing in the world Yeah! They were p...Англо-русский новый словарь современного неформального английского языка
  2. quick on the uptakeadj infml Hes quick on the uptake Он все ловит на лету Ive always taught my girls that love is the most important thing in the world Yeah! They were pretty quick on the ...Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики