Collocations dictionary


year: translation

1period of 12 months; period from January till December

The chart shows our performance over the pastyear.


The event has not proved popular in pastyears.

They had met once the previousyear.


The death rate in any givenyear.

I paint the house every singleyear.


We have high hopes for the comingyear.

She died the followingyear.

We aim to do even better in futureyears.


She won the race for the third successiveyear.


We're going skiing early in the newyear.


final-year university students


We worked for five longyearson this project.


I visited Morocco 20-oddyearsago.


the goldenyearsof motoring


a peakyearfor exports

freshman,junior,senior,sophomore(all in the US)

He was on a gapyearbefore going to university.


He spent his sabbaticalyeardoing research in Moscow.

light(often figurative)

The new range puts us lightyearsahead of the competition.


He spent lastyeartrying to get a new job.


It took him tenyearsto qualify as a vet.


Next month, they celebrate fiftyyearsof marriage.

put on,take off

His wife's death has putyearson him (= made him look/feel much older).

Careful make-up and styling can takeyearsoff you(= make you look much younger).

elapse,go by,pass

Ayearelapsed before I heard from him again.

The lastyearwent by in flash.

run from … to …

The academicyearruns from October to June.

see sth

Thatyearsaw the explosion of the Internet.

mark sth

Thisyearmarks the 10th anniversary of her death.

by theyear

The reforms will be fully implemented by theyear2007.

during theyear,over theyear

during the next academicyear

Over the past fewyears, we've made significant changes.

Over the past severalyears, we've made significant changes. (AmE)

for a/theyear

profit for the currentyearto December 31

We lived there for tenyears.

in ayear

I hope to retire in ayear/in a year's time.

in a/theyear

in the next taxyear

Britain was invaded in theyear1066.

In the past fewyears, she has become one of our top-selling authors.


It's the first time we've met inyears(= for many years)).

over ayear,under ayear

We've been friends for over twentyyears.


Over 10 000 people peryearare injured in this type of accident.

throughout theyear

The global economy means that all types of fruit and vegetables are available throughout theyear.

yearsbetween … and …,yearsfrom … to …

the boomyearsfrom 1993 to 2000


The book represents threeyearsof hard work.

That was in theyearof the great flood.

after all theseyears,after all thoseyears

They're still friends after all theseyears.


I've been waiting for this moment allyearlong.

all theyearround(BrE),allyearround

The city tour runs all theyearround.

the beginning of theyear,the end of theyear,the middle of theyear,the start of theyear
be six, etc.yearsof age,be six, etc.yearsold

She's only tenyearsold.

early in theyear,late in theyear
a time ofyear

It's usually much colder at this time ofyear.

the turn of theyear(esp.BrE)

The team has suffered a loss of form since the turn of theyear.

2yearsperiod of time

He soon realized that a lot had changed in the interveningyears.


the earlyyearsof the 21st century

In his lateryears, he drifted away from politics.


The children spent the waryearswith relatives.


She was born in Spain but spent her formativeyearsin Italy.

children of tenderyears


His earlyyearswere spent in San Francisco.

during the …years

It happened during the Clintonyears.

  1. yearмед.сущ. год возрастной Англорусский медицинский словарь....Англо-русский медицинский словарь
  2. yearгод African Immunization Year Год всеафриканской вакцинации населения...Англо-русский словарь по иммунологии
  3. yearгод...Англо-русский физический словарь
  4. yearYear translation See Christian Year....American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  5. yearyear translationSee ALONG IN YEARS or ON IN YEARS....Dictionary of American idioms
  6. yearYear translation Heb. shanah meaning repetition or revolution Gen. . Among the ancient Egyptians the year consisted of twelve months of thirty days each with five days a...Easton's Bible Dictionary
  7. yearyear bersetzung year Kalenderjahr n Jahreszahl f...Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch gesetz
  8. yearyear translation yearstrong year [j j jr] em written abbreviation noun [countable] . strong em also calendar year strong the period of time beginning on January and...Financial and business terms
  9. yearYear translationIn taxation year refers to the calendar year that runs from January st to December st. However corporations can generally set the time period for which th...Investment dictionary
  10. yearyear translationSynonyms and related wordsabundant year academic year annum bissextile year calendar month calendar year century common year day decade decennary decenniu...Moby Thesaurus
  11. yeareyra aery...Английские анаграммы
  12. yearгод current year model year...Англо-русский автомобильный словарь
  13. year[j]годвозраст годы...Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь
  14. yearaverage year dry year hydrological year normal year water year wet year...Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь
  15. yeartranscription транскрипция [ j ] год year of acquisition yearly series anniversary year base year business year crop year fiscal year initial base year ...Англо-русский деловой словарь
  16. yearгод pl. возраст годы летний...Англо-русский дополнительный словарь
  17. yearгод civil year draconic year eclipse year fiscal year leap year light year lunar year mast year shipbuilding year sidereal year tropical year zodiacal year...Англо-русский научно-технический словарь
  18. yearгод brood year highwater year seed year swarm year...Англо-русский словарь биологических терминов
  19. yearYear год...Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов II
  20. yearn год...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  21. yearyear [j] nu год year in year out из года в год from year to year year by year year after year с каждым годом каждый год год от году years and years ago очень давно целу...Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
  22. yearсущ. год to spend a year somewhere провести год гдел. every year каждый год last year в прошлом году next year в следующем году this year в этом году the coming yea...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
  23. yearгод...Англо-русский словарь по компьютерам
  24. yearconvention year conventional year...Англо-русский словарь по патентам и товарным знакам
  25. yearyear of establishment year of publication calendar year publication year volume year...Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии
  26. yearn .strong год .strong pl возраст годы. strong год strong мн.ч. возраст годы. academic year...Англо-русский словарь по социологии
  27. yearstrong годstrong plem возраст годы year acquired years high years low year to the first instant year under review year of account year of policy acceptance year of return...Англо-русский словарь по экономике
  28. yearn год pl возраст годы lame duck year anniversary year base year basic year black year boom years budget year bumper year business year calendar year concluding year curr...Англо-русский словарь политической терминологии
  29. yearn. год возраст...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  30. yearгод budget year business year financial year fiscal year water yearstrongАнглорусский строительный словарь. М. Русский Язык.С.Н.Корчемкина С.К.Кашкина С.В.Курбатова...Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов
  31. yearгод year of acquisition yearly series anniversary year base year business year crop year fiscal year initial base year intervening years offyear ony...Англо-русский словарь финансовых терминов
  32. yearjгод...Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов
  33. yearгод anomalistic year calendar year civil year draconic year eclipse year fiscal year leap year light year lunar year mast year of a year shipbuilding year sidereal year t...Англо-русский технический словарь
  34. yearсущ. сокр. yr общ.u годthis [last next\] year в этом [в прошлом в будущем\] годуacademic [school\] year учебный годbusiness year хозяйственный годayear annuity аннуит...Англо-русский экономический словарь
  35. yearгодyear day and waste англ. истор. право короны получать в течение одного года и одного дня доход с земли собственник которой был лишн прав состояния с конфискацией имущ...Англо-русский юридический словарь
  36. yearn ркyear by year кожного року щорокуyear in year out рк у ркfrom year to year з кожним роком рк у рк pl вк рокиin years в лтах лтнй немолодийin the year one дуже дав...Англо-украинский словарь
  37. yearрк yearbook yearly year and a day rule years of discretion...Англо-украинский юридический словарь
  38. yearn рк base базовий рк business господарський рк current поточний рк fiscal бюджетний фскальний рк working господарський рк under review звтний рк...Англо-український дипломатичний словник
  39. yearлта рк роки...Англо-український словник
  40. yearn рк academic навчальний рк business господарський рк fiscal бюджетний фскальний рк last next this у минулому у наступному у цьому роц pl вк роки a man in s лтня лю...Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  41. yearРк...Англо-український словник технічних термінів
  42. yearрк...Англо-український словник технічних термінів II
  43. yearyr Y. n ком. рк a рчний перод часу що охоплю дванадцять мсяцв accounting звтний рк audit ревзйний рк base базовий рк boom рк високо конюнктури budget бюджетний рк bu...Англо-український тлумачний словник економічної лексики
  44. yearрк yearbookyearlyyear and a day ruleyears of discretion...Англо-український юридичний словник
  45. year[jj] n. годthis [last next] year в этом [в прошлом в будущем] годуacademic school year учебный годbusiness year хозяйственный годfiscal financial year бюджетный финан...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  46. yearyear [jj] ni . год this [last next] в этом [в прошлом в будущем] году academic school учебный год business хозяйственный год fiscal financial бюджетный финансовый...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  47. yearjj n . год this last next в этом в прошлом в будущем году academic school учебный год business хозяйственный год fiscal financial бюджетный финансовый год ca...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна
  48. yearThere are no two years alike Год на год не приходится Г Пора на пору не приходится П Раз на раз не приходится P...Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок