Catholic encyclopedia


Quinquagesima: translation

The period of fifty days before Easter

Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight.2006.

The period of fifty days before Easter. It begins with the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, calledDominica in QuinquagesimaorEsto Mihifrom the beginning of the Introit of the Mass; it is a Sunday of the second class, and the color the Mass and Office is violet. For many early Christians it was the beginning of the fast before Easter, hence called, as with the Syrians,Dom. ingressus jejunii. For some, Quinquagesima marked the time after which meat was forbidden and was therefore calledDom. carnis privium, ad carnes tollendas, carnevala; by the Poles,Ned. zapustna. Since these regulations affected mainly the clergy, we find the namecarnis privium sacerdotumand in Germanyherren fastnacht.Where abstinence from meat began earlier, this Sunday introduced the time in which neither milk nor eggs etc, (ova et lacticinia) were allowed, hence called by the GreeksDom. cesei comestrix et ovorum; Melchites,sublationis ovorum et casei; Austrians,Käse-orMilchfaschingsonntag, Sonntag in der Butterwoche; Italians,de'latticini; and Serbians,bele poklade(white meats). The Slavs name itNed. III. predpepelnicna, i.e. the third Sunday before Ash Wednesday; Bohemians,Ned. II po devitniku, i.e. the second Sunday after the ninth before Easter. In many places this Sunday after and the next two days were used to prepare for Lent by a good confession; hence in England we find the names Shrove Sunday and Shrovetide. As the days before Lent were frequently spent in merry-making, Benedict XIV by the Constitution "Inter Cetera" (1 Jan., 1748) introduced a kind of 'Forty Hours' Devotion to keep the faithful from dangerous amusements and to make some reparation for sins committed. Quinquagesima also means the time between Easter and Pentecost, or from the Saturday after Easter to the Sunday after Pentecost; it is then calledQuinquagesima Paschae paschalis, orlaetitae.
Transcribed by Paul SoffingIn Honor of Doris Geiger

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company.Nihil Obstat.1910.

  1. quinquagesimaQuinquagesima translation The name given to the Sunday next before Lent because it is the fiftiethem day before Easter Quinquagesima meaning fiftieth. See Septuagesima....American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  2. quinquagesimaцерк. воскресенье за пятьдесят дней до Пасхи последнее воскресенье перед пепельной средой [Ash Wednesday] ср. Quadragesima Sexagesima Septuagesima...Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь Великобритания
  3. quinquagesiman сыропустное воскресенье...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  4. quinquagesiman церк. сиропусна недля тж Sunday....Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  5. quinquagesimaf церк. последнее воскресенье на масленице перед постом прощное воскресение Итальянорусский словарь....Большой итальяно-русский и русско-итальянский словарь
  6. quinquagesimaf .menцерк. сыропуст заговенье перед великим постомSonntag Quinquagesim последнее воскресенье перед великим постом прощальное заговенное воскресенье...Большой немецко-русский и русско-немецкий словарь
  7. quinquagesimaquinqugsima ae f. sc. parsem одна пятидесятая т. е. ный налог C T sc. diesem пятидесятница Eccl...Латинско-русский словарь
  8. quinquagesima[kwkwdesm] n церк.сыропустное воскресенье тж. Quinquagesima Sunday...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  9. quinquagesimaQuinquagesima [kwkwdesm] n церк.i сыропустное воскресенье тж. i Sunday...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  10. quinquagesimakwkwdesm n церк. сыропустное воскресенье тж. em Sunday...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна